The Outer Worlds: A Deep Dive into the Pros and Cons of This Spacefaring RPG Adventure”



“The Outer Worlds,” developed by Obsidian Entertainment and published by Private Division, is a science fiction role-playing game that takes players on a thrilling journey through a dystopian universe filled with intriguing characters, moral choices, and interstellar exploration. Released in October 2019, the game has garnered a substantial following and critical acclaim. In this article, we will delve into the pros and cons of “The Outer Worlds,” examining what makes it an engaging and immersive gaming experience.

Pros of The Outer Worlds:

  • Engaging Narrative: One of the standout features of “The Outer Worlds” is its captivating storyline. Set in an alternate future where mega-corporations have colonized distant planets, the game explores themes of corporate greed, exploitation, and individuality. The narrative is filled with witty humor, social commentary, and memorable characters, making it a compelling reason to dive into the game’s world.
  • Player Choice and Consequences: “The Outer Worlds” places a strong emphasis on player choice. From character creation to in-game decisions, players have a significant impact on the story’s direction and outcome. The choices you make can lead to various branching paths and multiple endings, adding replayability and a sense of agency to the game.
  • Well-Developed World: The game’s world-building is exceptional. Each of the various planets you visit has a distinct personality, culture, and challenges. The attention to detail in crafting these environments makes exploring the game’s universe a rewarding experience. The corporate-run society, with its propaganda and dark secrets, feels both eerily familiar and unique.
  • Strong Character Writing: “The Outer Worlds” is filled with memorable characters, each with their own motivations and quirks. The writing and voice acting bring these characters to life, making you genuinely care about their fates. Companions, in particular, have their own questlines and can provide valuable insights into the game’s lore.
  • Companion System: The game’s companion system is a standout feature. You can recruit various companions throughout your journey, each with their own abilities and personalities. Your interactions with these companions can affect the story and your character’s development. Their loyalty missions offer deep character development and storytelling.

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  • Immersive Gameplay: The gameplay in “The Outer Worlds” is a blend of first-person shooter mechanics and traditional RPG elements. The combat is satisfying, with a variety of weapons and tactical options. Additionally, the skill and perk system allows for character customization and specialization, giving players flexibility in shaping their playstyle.
  • Art Direction and Visuals: The game’s art direction and visuals are striking. The vibrant colors, detailed environments, and futuristic designs contribute to the overall immersive experience. Whether you’re exploring the bustling streets of Byzantium or the eerie landscapes of Monarch, the game’s aesthetics are consistently impressive.
  • Sociopolitical Commentary: “The Outer Worlds” doesn’t shy away from addressing complex sociopolitical issues. It satirizes corporate culture, consumerism, and the consequences of unchecked capitalism. This thoughtful commentary adds depth to the game’s narrative and encourages players to consider the ethical implications of their choices.
  • Soundtrack and Sound Design: The game’s soundtrack, composed by Justin E. Bell, complements the atmosphere perfectly. It sets the mood for exploration, combat, and dramatic moments. Sound design is equally impressive, with ambient sounds and voice acting adding to the immersion.
  • Multiple Playthroughs: Due to its branching narrative and diverse character builds, “The Outer Worlds” encourages multiple playthroughs. Different choices, factions, and character builds can lead to entirely distinct experiences, giving players plenty of reasons to return to the game.

Cons of The Outer Worlds:

  • Limited Open-World Exploration: While the game’s worlds are well-crafted, they are relatively small compared to some other open-world RPGs. The game’s structure leans more towards hub-based exploration rather than vast open-world freedom, which might disappoint players looking for expansive landscapes to roam.
  • Short Main Story: Some players might find the main storyline to be relatively short, especially if they focus solely on the critical path. However, the game’s strength lies in its side quests, companion stories, and exploration, which significantly extend the playtime.
  • Repetitive Combat Encounters: While the combat in “The Outer Worlds” is enjoyable, it can become somewhat repetitive over time. Players may find themselves facing similar enemy types and combat scenarios throughout the game, which can lead to a feeling of monotony.
  • Limited Character Customization: While there are various skills and perks to choose from, some players might find the character customization options limited compared to other RPGs. The game’s focus on storytelling and player choice means that character progression is not as deep as in some other RPG titles.
  • Graphical Performance on Consoles: At launch, “The Outer Worlds” faced performance issues on some console platforms, including frame rate drops and graphical glitches. While many of these issues were later patched, they initially detracted from the overall experience.
  • Lack of a True Open-Ended Ending: The game’s endings, while influenced by player choices, may not provide the level of open-endedness that some RPG enthusiasts seek. Some players may desire a more open-ended conclusion that reflects the broader consequences of their decisions.
  • Limited Role-Playing Impact: Despite offering choices and consequences, some players may feel that their decisions don’t always have as significant an impact on the world or characters as they’d like. The game’s narrative structure can lead to a certain degree of linearity.
  • Limited Post-Game Content: Once the main story is completed, there is limited post-game content available. While players can continue exploring and completing side quests, the absence of substantial post-game content may disappoint those looking for a long-lasting experience.
  • Inventory Management Challenges: Inventory management can be cumbersome, especially when dealing with numerous items, weapons, and armor pieces. A more streamlined inventory system could have improved the overall gameplay experience.
  • Technical Issues (at Launch): While many technical issues were addressed in post-launch updates, some players experienced bugs, crashes, and performance problems when the game was initially released. It’s worth noting that these issues were largely resolved in subsequent patches. 

“The Outer Worlds” is a role-playing game developed by Obsidian Entertainment and published by Private Division. To play the game, you would need to purchase it on your preferred gaming platform (PC, PlayStation, Xbox, etc.) and follow the instructions for installation and gameplay provided with the game. Here are the top 5 alternatives to “The Outer Worlds” if you’re looking for similar gaming experiences:

  • “Fallout: New Vegas” – Developed by Obsidian Entertainment, this game offers a similar open-world RPG experience with a focus on player choices, storytelling, and character development. It’s set in the Fallout universe and features a post-apocalyptic wasteland.
  • “Mass Effect” series – Developed by BioWare, this series offers a rich narrative-driven experience set in a science fiction universe. You’ll explore various planets, make choices that affect the story, and engage in intense third-person shooter combat.
  • “Deus Ex: Human Revolution” – This action RPG from Eidos-Montreal features a cyberpunk setting, immersive storytelling, and deep character customization. It combines elements of stealth, combat, and exploration in a dystopian world.
  • “System Shock 2” – If you’re a fan of immersive first-person shooters with RPG elements and a dark, atmospheric setting, this classic game is a great choice. It’s set on a spaceship overrun by mutants and artificial intelligence.
  • “Prey” (2017) – This immersive sim from Arkane Studios combines elements of horror, exploration, and RPG gameplay. You’ll navigate a space station infested with shape-shifting aliens, utilizing various abilities and making choices that impact the story.

Each of these games offers a unique experience with elements similar to “The Outer Worlds,” such as player choice, exploration, character development, and rich storytelling. Depending on your preferences, you can choose the one that aligns most with your gaming interests.


“The Outer Worlds” offers a rich and engaging RPG experience that blends compelling storytelling, meaningful player choices, and memorable characters. Its thought-provoking sociopolitical commentary and immersive world-building make it a standout title in the genre. While it has its share of limitations, such as relatively small open-world environments and some technical issues at launch, the overall package is a testament to Obsidian Entertainment’s commitment to delivering a captivating RPG experience.

Ultimately, whether you’ll find “The Outer Worlds” to be a must-play title depends on your preferences as a gamer. If you value strong narrative-driven experiences, moral dilemmas, and character-driven stories, the game is likely to provide hours of enjoyment. However, if you prioritize vast open worlds and deep character customization, you may find it falls short in those areas. Regardless, “The Outer Worlds” succeeds in delivering a thought-provoking and entertaining journey through a corporate-dominated cosmos.


